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fit in withの例文


  • she doesn't really fit in with the rest of the team .
    郷原班のカラーには 合わないみたいなんで。
  • and he didnt fit in with any popular kids at school .
    お蔭で彼は 学校の人気者に溶け込めなかった
  • for me to fit in with any conversation .
    この2つ使ってれば 大抵の会話は乗り切れる。
  • i think she's overdoing it to fit in with that group .
    今のグループにいるの 無理してるのかもね。
  • does that fit in with his mo ?
    ウィンストンは フィッシュを止めようとして 18回刺されてます
  • frustrated that the world doesn't fit in with his or her ideas .
  • to fit in with our team .
    うちの班に なじもうと してるんじゃないんすかね。
  • because of my personality , i couldn't fit in with the others in school .
    つまり 銃口を覗く敵の視線を察知し
  • because she's so cute , it seems that she doesn't fit in with her class .
    桂さんってね あんなに可愛いから クラスで浮いてるらしいよ
  • it was a loose end that didn't fit in with our plans and jrgen figured us out .
  • yours would seem to suggest you were in a hurry to fit in with a new crowd .
    だが 君のは そうじゃない 新しい仲間達に合わせるために まるで急いで入れたみたいだ
  • but going as members of the german film industry , they wear tuxedos and fit in with everybody else .
    でも、ドイツ映画界の関係者としてなら... ...タキシードで正装して行けば、うまく もぐり込めるわ。
  • it should have been to fit in with the timeline , but , no , it wasn't . i'm so impressed you were able to pinpoint an exact location
    タイムラインと一致しないのよ 騒音から場所を特定できたら
  • however , there was a backlash against the method in which the total stage effects focused on buyo dance such as a demand on music to be modified to fit in with the choreography , and 博三 machida , a researcher of japanese music , criticized the methods of jusuke .